Why Kristen Stewart makes “Personal Shopper” worth watching

I’ve had this movie on my list for a while, and threw it on because it was expiring on Hulu. I like Kristen Stewart and her performance in this film only solidified that she’s an incredible actress who cut and ran after getting her fat check from Twilight.

The film may be billed as a horror or a thriller, but it’s not really either of the above. It follows the beats of a horror, and there is gore and a supernatural element to the film, but it’s hardly scary. In fact, the scariest part of the film was her stalker. A good portion of the film occurs on Stewart’s phone, when an anonymous individual begins texting her, and she gives in and communicates with them- going so far as to visit a hotel room they’d booked for her.

The film explores Stewart’s grief and her paradoxical fear of death and her inability to live a fulfilling life. She’s a medium who’s searching for a sign from her brother, and comes across other entities and devious individuals on her path. The film begins relatively straightforward, but once the phone stalker enters the film, things get a little… loose.

The ending of the film may leave viewers with a sense of confusion and doubt. The film leaves the true ending open to interpretation- and there’s a couple of convincing interpretations of the film. I liked that it had this avenue, but I don’t know that that’s strictly necessary. Is the movie good? Yeah. Stewart carries and she’s really great in it- even while staring at her phone for a long time. Also, she’s really hot and I would let her put me in a dress.

I rate this movie an overall 


Once Personal Shopper expires on Hulu, you can stream the movie on PlutoTV or rent it from wherever.

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