You’re in deep water if you’re looking to “Deep Water” for entertainment

The film Deep Water is an erotic murder drama with hints of mystery. It’s a frustrating film full of really mean, self-centric, confused people who do selfish things because they’re hurt. If you’re watching it for Ana de Armas, that’s understandable. But I’ll warn you, her character may hurt and frustrate you. If you’re in it for the romance- there’s none of that. Nothing healthy, anyways.

The plot is not what Hulu’s summary will suggest. De Armas is a free-spirited, highly sexual socialite who is married to Ben Affleck playing Ben Affleck. The guy has no range, and he’s always so tired; so he was perfect as “burnt out husband who’s tired of his wife’s antics”. De Armas has many boyfriends, and is kind of mean to Affleck, who spends his time at parties intimidating his wife’s lovers. All of their friends know, and are bothered by it, but let the weird, hot, rich couple do their thing. It’s pretty clear that Affleck hates that his wife sleeps with so many people, and things get interesting when they start to die for about 20 minutes as it plays with the idea of ‘did Affleck kill them?’ before spoiling the killer and then the film culminates in no changes and the dysfunctional couple continuing their little game with one another.

The movie reminded me of another de Armas flick that really irritated me in Knock Knock, where the movie is an erotic… mystery? Torture porn? Who knows. I’m equally perplexed by Deep Water, but less pissed off because it didn’t try to pretend to have a deeper message or anything crazy. It’s pretty surface level. They host like five dinners and there’s thirteen parties and no imagination in terms of where people talk and do stuff. There are no real redeeming qualities about this film. Nothing unique about its cinematography or direction or acting. There’s a little girl who’s pretty clever and fun, so she’s kinda fun to watch in her few scenes.

I rate this film a


You can stream Deep Water on Hulu.

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